SOLUTIONS for Those 10 Pesky Menopause Symptoms

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I’ve searched the internet and found dozens of tried and true ways to combat those annoying little menopause symptoms. Of course, that’s not what you’re going to find here. I’m here to help you … in my own, honest way. Buckle up. 

 1.     Missed Periods- Fuck. Count this one as a blessing. If you are complaining about missing your periods, you’re an idiot.

 2.     Hot Flashes- This one pisses me off. Hot Flash triggers are as follows: stress/anxiety, sugar, caffeine, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods and hot beverages. So what do you do? Sit naked in a quiet room, drinking cold water with lemon, eating plain crackers … screw that. Just turn the air to 60 and have a few rum and cokes and shortly thereafter you won’t give a shit. 

 3.     Weight gain- It’s important to get more exercise when you start menopause. I have a few suggestions that would certainly kill two birds with one stone – knife throwing, mixed martial arts- oh, oh, oh, or midget tossing. Remember, it’s totally illegal to toss a midget without expressed written consent. Yes, I’m perfectly aware midget is not the “PC” term – BUT, in my defense, if I said “little person” tossing, you might think I was referring to children and that would make you far angrier.

 4.     Sleep Deprivation- Whatever. How much sleep do you really need? There’s so much more you could be doing with your time, like worrying about bills and contemplating how little time you have left since clearly you are so old you are going through menopause. But if you insist on catching some z’s, I would suggest referring back to #2 and just increase the rum and cokes by 2 or 6.

 5.     Vaginal Dryness – I read an article that fish can help improve vaginal dryness. It seems pretty weird to put a fish in your vagina and I’m pretty sure that even if it does increase lubrication, no guy will care, stinky puss.  Unless of course they meant you should eat the fish?

 6.     Mood Swings – Awe come on … these are fun! I love that feeling of wanting to hug someone one minute, then choke the living shit out of them the next. They should have mood swings on every playground. On the way up, you get to soar into the beautiful blue sky filled with rainbows and lollipops and on the way down you get to drop kick someone over the fence. Just an idea.

 7.     Sore Breasts – Prevention magazine list 19 ways to combat breast tenderness, one of which is cutting out pepperoni pizza? Is that supposed to be funny? Basically, after kids, most boobs look like a pepperoni pizza. Their next idea is to “Keep them cool”, so stick your titties in a freezer I guess? Another genius idea is to “Keep Calm”. Fuck off. It’s menopause, not yoga.  

 8.   Chronic Headaches –those are called husbands and children. Not much you can do about them. You   can’t live without them and you can’t lock them in a closet … because that is illegal.

 9.     Decreased Sex Drive –Take the number of years you have been married multiplied by the number of times you received flowers, divided by the number of times you’ve cooked dinner and done laundry. That’s how many times you should be having sex a week. If the number is less than one, which I suspect it is (like .0015), it’s not “decreased sex drive”, you’re just fucking tired.

10.    Incontinence – Oh who doesn’t piss themselves once in awhile really? Just remember when you laugh … or sneeze … or cough … or pretty much any other time you exert yourself to tighten up “down there”. Otherwise, get some granny panties (Poise or Depends, depending on personal preference) and then, not only will you not have to worry about the incontinence, but you will also solve the sex drive issues, because once your husband sees you in those bad boys, he’ll lose his, too.

I hope I have provided you with some solutions to some of menopause’s pesky little problems. If you were at all offended by any of this, you are clearly not in menopause yet. Come back repeatedly and when it no longer offends you, you’re there.

Three B's

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My daughter is beautiful, there is no denying that, both inside and out. She has just enough confidence with her appearance to be happy, yet not arrogant. She is incredibly caring and we have taught her the importance of being strong, kind and intelligent before anything else, stressing that it will get her much further in life. Sometimes hard to convince your child though, with the "role models" kids are exposed to these days. They are basically taught that being beautiful and ignorant can get you pretty much anywhere.

In addition to beautiful, she is also brilliant and I don't use that term lightly. She excels in school and has picked up every musical instrument and sport she has been exposed to. Which honestly is a little shocking to me because she will trip over something, often her own two feet, just walking across the room, but can waterski, play tennis, soccer, sail, dance, all which require some coordination. She is also inquisitive and has an active imagination, which I truly feel plays a pivotal role in a child's level of intelligence. Brilliant.

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